
Jana Gering

Jana laughs at project management jokes, and then cries a little bit inside because the truth always stings a little. Being vastly interested in people and the world in general means she’s a classic overanalyzer. Perhaps it’s because she comes from a family of storytellers. Or because she’s read the right sorts of books.

She is a drinker of coffee, gingerroot tea, homemade beet juice, and the occasional gin and tonic or Northwest craft beer.

Home is friends and family, a well-stocked kitchen, good conversations, plentiful silence, and a few good books (both the sketch kind and the story kind). This means home includes many geographic locations.

Despite being analytical over other people’s choices of books and TV (mainly Twilight or Family Guy), she will defend her own moderately embarrassing tastes out of the sheer ridiculous entertainment of it (including, but not limited to, Pinterest, Harry Potter, and Jane Austen novels).




Katrina Hansen

When Katrina meets someone new, she can never remember their name, but will treat them like they’ve been friends since grade school. This includes merciless schoolyard teasing.

She drinks excessive amounts of tea and water and moderate amounts of gin and whiskey. She prides herself on impressive bladder retention.

Every six months or so she swears off all dessserts in place of exercising. She has managed to lose weight with this strategy. Naturally, she gets cocky, starts eating cookies (which are a gateway dessert) and gradually goes on to more hardcore sugars. It’s downhill from there.

Outside of eating and drinking, she enjoys crossword puzzles, forming strong opinions on irrelevant topics, and watching whimsical and eclectic films of questionable quality.

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